Noticed all the Super Lamb Bananas had been coralled in the Liverpool Innovation Park, prior to sprucing up and auctioning. I wanted to take a a photo of them all gathered together, but by the tiem I got over they’d been moved again.

It got me thinking what is the collective noun for a gathering of Super Lamb Bananas.

Hmmmm well if you are negative about the Capital of Culture perhaps it could be called a “Harborrow£ or a “Ringo” of  Super Lamb Bananas.

If you are feeling positive about the whole thing then maybe they should be called a “Redmond” a “Bradley” or even a  “Roger” of Super Lamb Bananas.

Any other suggestions?

Your’e Barred

August 21, 2008

Took the dog Millie into The Liverpool Innovation Centre/Park as I ahd to delvier an invoice to ICDC, on the way out I was stopped by one of the security blokes whoo seemed more than a little apologetic…….no dogs on on site….so not much of an innovation there in the Innovation Park, maybe they should call it Plesseys or the automatic or soemthing less ambigious.


Balloonington- a nice place to live.

Remember the late great Josef Stalin, when people fell out of favour with him he would do two things, firstly he would send them to a Gulag in Siberia, to a life of slavery, hard labour and eventual political realignment (a euphemism for death). The other thing that used to happen is that once they had caught the next train to Novosibirsk, then Stalin’s PR company (kenyonski and frasonovich?) would spend the time deleting the ex-comrades from all the official photographs. Sometimes group photographs would be whittled down until only Uncle Joe would be left saluting the troops.


Well I do feel I have been subjected to some Stalinist type purge indicative of the Photoshop generation. Last year at the Kensington Fun Day, I positioned myself at the font of the row of people behind the opening ribbon, which was about to be deftly snipped by Emma Rigby star of Hollyoaks (which is apparently a TV programme aimed at young people). I put myself as close to front and centre as I could.

The “Fun Day” Leafelt-

Imagine my surprise when I looked at the leaflet promoting the event, there’s the photo, there’s Alan Jackson, Emma Rigby, Kris Waite, Anne Marie Turner, the usual suspects, all arms skyward at the behest of Geoff the Photographer, but after much searching I’m nowhere to be seen. I did initially suspect that I had been photoshopped out of the recent history of Kensington and Fairfield, but rather than being obliterated by from the party I had in fact been obscured by a big red balloon.


Yeah that’s me behind the balloon and next to CK?  


I know I am an ugly fucker but given my new found Turkish Lookey Likey status maybe it should have been me opening the event,( I could do with the 5K.)

Me impersonating Hulan Uluc

Other people who could probably open the Fun Day next year and charge less than Emma Rigby

Kenny the Dog (K&F Mascot)

Joe Anderson

Local lad Mike Storey

Phil Redmond

Heather Mills


Now maybe Stalin could have taken a leaf out Kenny Regen’s book and instead of killing and obliterating his opponents then maybe he should just have got them to walk around with a balloon in front of their faces, think of all the trouble that would have avoided, all those bodies to get rid of etc etc

Comrade Stalin good news the balloon production quota for 1934 has been exceeded

More Hincal Uluc

August 1, 2008